Right to Work Webinar – UK Employment Changes from June 2021

On the 1st July 2021 key changes to UK employment legislation, specifically in relation to UK to Right to Work documentation, were enforced.

These changes will impact UK businesses who are seeking to employ individuals from outside the UK. The new legislation does not apply to existing employees from the EU, EEA or Switzerland if they came to the UK before 1 July 2021.

Bishopgate Group hosted a webinar on the 30th June 2021 providing an in-depth summary of the changes and the impact it may have on UK businesses. The webinar provides guidance on how businesses can prepare for the changes and includes key information and insight into the new employment rules.

Webinar Content – Right to Work Webinar – UK Employment Changes from June 2021

Date: 30th June 2021

Host: Bishopsgate Group


  • Brexit’ Right to Work Changes due at the end of June
  • New requirements for manual right to work checks regarding EU/EEA Nationals
  • New ‘Brexit’ Biometric Cards
  • Checking a workers right to work status online

For more information on Right to Work checks and documentation please contact a member of our customer service team at info@bishopsgatepay.co.uk or contact us using the below links.