Happy New Year from Bishopsgate Group, we wish you all a prosperous and exciting 2022!

With 2021 now behind us we look ahead to what opportunities 2022 will bring, with many new and key initiatives being introduced throughout the year.

The Bishopsgate team have been busy preparing themselves for some significant changes which are due to be implemented later this year, which will impact many businesses across the UK. As with any change, it is important to be informed and prepared so we are starting the New Year by informing you of the key themes and changes of 2022, to allow you to prepare for the year ahead.

So here is our round-up of the key themes to look out for in 2022 so far:

  • National Minimum Wage: The 2021 Autumn Budget unveiled a revamp to the National Minimum Wage; from April 2022 the new National Minimum Wage will be £9.50 per hour for everyone aged 23 years and above.
  • National Insurance Contribution: National Insurance contributions will also be increasing in April 2022, for both employees and employers. This increase is also known as the Health and Social Care Levy. The increase for these contributions will be:
  • HMRC – Call for Evidence:  The UK Government has requested a Call for Evidence which looks to obtain views from stakeholders on the role that Umbrella companies play in the labour market. The consultation for this closes on the 22nd February 2022 with the publication and findings due out later this year. For more information or to respond to the Call for Evidence visit https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/call-for-evidence-umbrella-company-market
  • Digital Right to Work: December 2021 saw the UK government announce that Digital Right to Work checks will remain in place come April 2022. Originally introduced as a temporary measure during the Covid-19 pandemic, the technology will now remain in place to allow all employers to conduct a fully digital hiring process.

Bishopsgate will be providing more advice, guidance and information on all of the above over the coming months. Don’t forget to follow us on social media to get the latest updates from the Bishopsgate team too as there is likely to be more changes as the year goes on!

If you would like to discuss any of the above with our team then please contact us at: